Saturday, November 23, 2013

Banned4Life Project

The Banned4Life Project

Even the Red Cross doesn't believe that a lifetime ban on blood donation for gay men is warranted, but the FDA refuses to look at the facts.

My best friend from middle school is gay and HIV+. He obviously should be banned from giving blood until we find a cure, but not every gay man is at high risk of HIV+, it's all about behavior and a more complex and accurate set of questions should determine deferral length or ban. Monogamous homosexual men are considered by the FDA to be a higher risk than heterosexual men who regularly engages in unprotected sex with multiple prostitutes.

The risks you take and the threat that you pose should determine your ability to donate DESPERATELY needed blood.

As someone who might need blood one day, it scares me that stereotypes will determine the quality of blood that I get, instead of the actual risk.

The petition:
Banned for Life- Causes

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and  populated the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.

Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Tim Hortons Donuts. And Satan said, "You want chocolate with that?"

And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as long as you're at it, add some sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds. And Satan smiled.

And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair.

And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane and combined them. And
Woman went from size 6 to size 14.

So God said, "Try my fresh green salad."

And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side.

And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast.

God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables  and olive oil in which to cook them."

And Satan brought forth deep fried
fish and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man gained more weight and his cholesterol went through the roof.

God then created a light, fluffy white cake, named it "Angel Food Cake, and said, "It is good."

Satan then created chocolate cake and named it "Devil's Food Cake."

God then brought forth running shoes so that His children might lose those extra pounds.

And Satan gave cable TV with a remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman laughed and cried before the flickering blue light and gained pounds.

Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition.

And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them. And Man gained pounds.

God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite.

And Satan created McDonald's and its 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then said, "You want fries with that?" And

Man replied, "Yes! And super size them!" And Satan said, "It is good."

And Man went into cardiac arrest.

God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.

Then Satan created Cuts to the Health Care System.


OT- a little bit of levity- "Lost"

Laughter truly is the best medicine (except for treating diarrhea =P), so enjoy and release some endorphins.

A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost.  She reduced altitude and spotted a man below.

She descended a bit more and shouted, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago but I don't know where I am."

The man below replied "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground.  You're between 40 and 41 degrees north
latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist. "I am", replied the man.

"How did you know?"

"Well", answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost.  Frankly, you've not been much help at all.  If anything, you've delayed my trip even more."

The man below responded, "You must be in management."

"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the man, "You don't know where you are or where you're going.  You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air.
You made a promise which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems?!!"